Global Real Estate Sustainability Benchmark (GRESB), assesses the sustainability performance of real estate and infrastructure portfolios
and assets worldwide. They offer ESG data, Scorecards, Benchmark Reports and portfolio analysis tools.
GRESB has been committed to providing quality ESG data on real asset investments to the capital markets. For 9 successive years the ESG benchmark has grown, with a record 903 real estate portfolios, worth $3.5 trillion in GAV, and GRESB alone covers US$3.5 trillion in global real estate portfolios!
We, as Re-Imagining Cities, are a member of the GRESB Data Quality Technical Working Group (TWG). Members of the TWG include GRESB Partners as well as industry experts who have relevant subject matter expertise, and the time and interest to participate fully.
More on what Data Quality TWG is, can be read here: https://gresb.com/data-quality/