ESI ThoughtLab is the thought leadership arm of Econsult Solutions, a leading economic consultancy with links to the academic community.​
To provide cities with a more effective roadmap, ESI ThoughtLab teamed up with a coalition of organizations with urban and technology expertise to conduct ground-breaking research into the impact of smart city solutions on urban performance.
ESI ThoughtLab's team of economists conducted in-depth benchmarking surveys of government leaders in 136 cities around the world to understand their smart city perspectives, practices, and performance results. To gain insight into the views of city stakeholders, they also conducted surveys of 750 business leaders and 2,000 residents in 11 representative cities with varying levels of economic development, social and geographic diversity, and smart city “maturity”.
They have close ties to Wharton Business School, University of Pennsylvania, Penn Institute of Urban Research, and Drexel University's LeBow College of Business.Their clients include top-tier organizations from across industries, including EY, KPMG, Accenture, Cognizant, Protiviti, Baker & McKenzie, Cisco, Oracle, GM, CBRE, State Street Bank, Visa, Mastercard, and J.P. Morgan Chase.
ESI ThoughtLab specializes in analyzing the impact of technological, economic, and demographic shifts on industries, cities, and companies.
Their in-house team of thought leadership, economic, and subject matter specialists—and global network of experts and editors--excel at creating valuable decision support that sits at the intersection of visionary thinking, analytical excellence, and innovative content formats.
Visionary thinking requires visionary thinkers.
ESI ThoughtLab was established as a center of thought leadership excellence. They bring together the best economic, industry and thought leadership minds to create innovative, must-read analysis for business and government. Their in-house team of top economists and thought leadership experts, along with their long-standing links to top universities, research institutes, and global media organizations, enable them to develop original ideas validated by quantitative evidence and presented in compelling ways.
Check out their "Smarter Cities 2025" Report in our
Presentation PDFs section!